Enbridge and Union Gas have been under common ownership since February 27, 2017. Full amalgamation of the two companies including rate-setting and staffing will happen over time. There is some debate over the length of time for the amalgamation and integration framework. The Ontario Energy Board suggests six years while the utilities prefer ten years.
The OEB’s objectives for the facilitation of the merger have been stated as follows:
- To facilitate competition in the sale of gas to users.
- To protect the interests of consumers with respect to prices and the reliability and quality of gas service.
- To facilitate rational expansion of transmission and distribution systems.
- To facilitate rational development and safe operation of gas storage.
- To promote energy conservation and energy efficiency in accordance with the policies of the Government of Ontario, including having regard to the consumer’s economic circumstances.
- To facilitate the maintenance of a financially viable gas industry for the transmission, distribution and storage of gas.
- To promote communication within the gas industry and the education of consumers.