Energy Conservation Report volume one


The Environmental Commissioner of Ontario is an independent officer of the Legislature (non-partisan) who reports on government progress on environmental protection, climate change and energy conservation. The ECO is the province’s environmental watchdog and guardian of Ontarians’ environmental rights. On April 10, 2018, ECO published Energy Conservation Report volume one. The second volume will be published later in 2018.

Volume one answers 19 questions about electricity in Ontario. In addition to the impact on the electricity system, prices and the environment, the report comments on Ontario’s electricity future. Ontario needs more clean electricity and conservation to replace natural gas, gasoline and diesel. But Ontario in slow in transition. Some of the ECO recommendations include:

  1. Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan (2017) should be consistent with other government initiatives.
  2. Conservation should play a larger role.
  3. Ontario should make better use of flexible tools such as storage and demand response.

Link to Environmental Commissioner Of Ontario

The full report: